Apple Vacations’ Super Deals at MATTA for Spring and Summer Travel

Apple Vacations desires to travel with you to various destinations in the world to soak in their beauty and magnificence! Whenever possible, let us discover and experience more of our world, the diversity of life and various cultures.

Fantasy of Snow in Hokkaido

The coming Christmas holidays will be an unforgettable experience for you if you’re in Hokkaido.You’ll be overwhelmed by the vast volume of snow.Wherever you go, the ambience is so heavenly gorgeous.To a person who lives in an all year round summer, this is definitely a fascinating place for

White Love Story ~Hokkaido Winter Temptation

Have you ever experience how it feels at the end of winter and when spring takes over? A special phenomenon will be found in Hokkaido during end March or early April. The snow begins to melt and spring comes with the breathing cool winds. All nature are just like a dream, what an Amazing Haven in Earth…. Let’s go to Hokkaido, Now!!

Lavish in violet temptations

you are going to have violet ice cream, violet tea leaves, violet air freshener, violet soap, violet pillow, violet bus and last but not least, ladies in violet dresses! Why would they have to have this colour? Well, it’s because violet spells of romance, friendliness, approachable and gentle. It is also because violet is the colour of Apple Vacations too!