Okinawa ☼ Churaumi Aquarium

Many visitors be it local or international especially children barely able to contain their excitement when visiting the famed Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium, one of the first largest aquarium in the world. Okinawa ☼ Churaumi Aquarium. Many visitors be it local or international especially children barely able to contain their excitement when visiting the famed Okinawa […]

Okinawa ♥ The landscape …..literally translates to rope in the open sea.

Upon landing on the island of Okinawa, the sight of bright blue skies and lapiz-lazuli ocean greets you. The subtropical atmosphere itself transports you out of “The” Japan you have known or heard of into another side of Japan you would never have thought. Okinawa ♥ The landscape …..literally translates to rope in the open […]

COUPLE VS SINGLE ? They say some destinations are meant to travel as a couple …. do you agree?

?COUPLE VS SINGLE? Everyone has different expectations towards traveling as a couple, Sometimes it is hidden behind the sweetlove during a romantic holiday, Love blinded by the sweet floral scent of cherry blossoms, Hidden in the river of warmth behind an awesome festival … toying with your emotions, Bathing in the limelight of romantic love, […]


WHERE TO EXPERIENCE SNOW North-East JAPAN YUKIGUNI  TOHOKU SNOW MONSTER   Magical Snow Sculptures We Malaysians have very limited experience with snow, for those who have traveled the world, your experience of snow varies from one country to the other. In the North-East of Japan, lies an amazing snow covered landscape which can only be […]

MASCOTS around Japan : Gunma-chan of Gunma Prefecture ……

SO WHO IS GUNMA-CHAN? Gunma-chan is Gunma prefectures pony mascot, the 2014 winner of the Yuru-kyara Grand Prix held annually. MASCOTS around Japan : Gunma-chan of Gunma Prefecture …… Little is known on Gunma prefecture, but how many ever heard of successful drift comic turned animation and movie played by Taiwanese actor Jay Chou-Initial D […]

Universal Studios Japan creating Despicable Me Minion “Mayhem” at Minion Park this SUMMER!

From afar you can hear the theme song by Pharrell Williams blasting on the speakers, immediately transporting you to Gru’s world in Despicable Me ….This is where all the humans are heading to actually. THE MINION PARK! FIRST IN ASIA! Universal Studios Japan creating Despicable Me Minion “Mayhem” at Minion Park this SUMMER! Leading towards […]