MASCOTS around Japan : Gunma-chan of Gunma Prefecture ……

SO WHO IS GUNMA-CHAN? Gunma-chan is Gunma prefectures pony mascot, the 2014 winner of the Yuru-kyara Grand Prix held annually. MASCOTS around Japan : Gunma-chan of Gunma Prefecture …… Little is known on Gunma prefecture, but how many ever heard of successful drift comic turned animation and movie played by Taiwanese actor Jay Chou-Initial D […]

Apple Motivation Camp 2017 – DAY “UNO”

Apple Motivation Camp 2017 – DAY “UNO” FRIDAY morning on the 18th August, along the ground level of Wisma Apple was abuzz with a myriad of expressions! Some are smiling, some are laughing at jokes shared in small groups, some are wolfing down breakfast, some are sitting down by the pavement clearly not fully wake […]

MASCOTS around Japan : Bringing Good Luck and Protection, The Wise “Fukurou” of Hokkaido

To the Japanese owls are a symbol of good luck and protection. Sacred to the Ainu people – Hokkaido’s indigenous tribe, Ezo Shima Fukurou is frequently referred to as Kotan-kor Kamuy (divine being). MASCOTS around Japan : Bringing Good Luck and Protection, The Wise “Fukurou” of Hokkaido To the Japanese owls are a symbol of […]

Insights on Apple Motivation Camp 2017 from Apple Group Chief Operating Officer Mr. Bernard Woo

To gather everyone, to foster teamwork and collaboration at the same time. Giving values to our people. Our theme this year is “Building Teams, Molding Leaders”. Insights on Apple Motivation Camp 2017 from Apple Group Chief Operating Officer Mr. Bernard Woo As Apple-nian gear up for Apple Motivation Camp this year, we are honored to […]