Is Central Asia only for those who are seeking pilgrimage?

The-stans are formed out of five former Soviet republics are Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, giving the region a total population of about 70 million. Is Central Asia only for those who are seeking pilgrimage? Why in the world would I want to visit Central Asia? Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan …. Kyrgyzstan …. what is there […]

Part ii ❧ What can you do if you have 48 hours in Tashkent?

Part ii ❧ What can you do if you have 48 hours in Tashkent? Pay a visit to another city of course! TASHKENT is the capital city of Uzbekistan. Travelling to Samarkand from Tashkent and back in 48 hours has been made possible by the impressive high speed train – Afrosiyob. Why impressive? International travelers […]

7 Reasons to Fall in Love with “STAN”ning Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan ….

Many have not consider visiting Central Asia for pleasure, might even dismiss the destination altogether as a possible dream destination. But don’t cross it out of your bucket list too fast. 7 Reasons to Fall in Love with “STAN”ning Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan …. Many have not consider visiting Central Asia for pleasure, might even […]