“Traveling” is not a luxury and it is also not a monopoly of the rich. “Traveling” is part of everyone’s life, so when you spend on traveling, wouldn’t you want to ensure “value for money”? Lee-san wants you to plan your travel based on theme and in-depth in maximizing your “travel fun”.

“Branding” has become the norm these days and it is of utmost importance. The branding of tourist spots has exceeded what they have to offer and this is not difficult to make out. Take Genting Highlands for example; what comes into your mind the minute its name is mentioned? What about Las Vegas? Disneyland? Iceland? Malaysia? Yes, it is because of these outstanding characteristics that attracted your curiosity “to prove it to yourself”. That is what made the “Seven Wonders” so attractive. Whether it is natural or otherwise, not all tourists visit these places to find out their characteristics; many visit these places aimlessly.

The Pyramids is very famous place in the world.

This means that these tourists are not bothered about details of these tourist spots. Similarly, even if the delicacies served at these tourist spots are superb, few of these tourists actually appreciate them. Such is the meaning of “Gourmet Tours”. Today, few tourists would have planned half a year ahead with the determination “I want to explore in-depth Egypt and the Pyramids”, not to mention the icebergs of Greenland, the ancient kingdoms of Northern Europe (Scandinavia), South America, the winter aurora of Finland, the famous Hokkaido & etc.

There are also tourists who do not know the purpose of traveling and they fail to appreciate the things they see on the tour. And there are others who do not even know where they are headed towards……. Of course, this makes up only a small proportion of them.

“Traveling” is part of everyone’s life.

“Traveling” is not a luxury and it is also not a monopoly of the rich. “Traveling” is part of everyone’s life, so when you spend on traveling, wouldn’t you want to ensure “value for money”? Lee-san wants you to plan your travel based on theme and in-depth in maximizing your “travel fun”.

Travel agents and operators have to plan more meaningful itineraries on their own accord. Most tourists possess a certain level of cultural standards and are in search of quality travel. Take the Scandinavia tour for example. It is able to bring tourists to the northern most tip of Europe, i.e. Nordkapp to view the natural phenomenon of the “midnight sun” or winter in Rovainiemi, Finland to view the Northern Light.

Sakura Festival in Japan.

There is also the glaciers and traveling through uncountable icebergs in Greenland in shuttles capable of holding 5-6 passengers, or the Sakura Festival of Japan where Geishas parade the ancient city of Kyoto or experience the summer of Hokkaido traveling freely on bicycles for Lavender. All these, coupled with master chefs serving you on-the-spot beef teppanyaki. And it is a great idea to relax in the straits separating the continents of Asia and Europe in Turkey or enjoy the summer in Greece or choose the interesting exploration of ancient civilizations in Egypt and India.

Lee-san understands the requirements and characters of tourists, as well as the “destruction” cause by cultural differences within travel groups. For example, not every member of the tour would want to shop for two hours in the wholesale market Wufengpu in Taipei or that each and every member likes raw fish shashimi. On the other hand, there are those who dislike western food. One great barrier is of course that of language and communication….have you experienced all these?

That is the reason Lee-san designed tours with themes and depth while keeping prices within budget, perhaps even with minimum preparation to enable you to enjoy your tour.

With his revolutionary TRAVELUTION, Lee-san shares with you tours with themes and in-depth; let’s travel around the world with lee-san!!


李桑 作者

在旅游业纵横驰骋1万1000多个日子, 探秘南北极境, 足印遍布141个国家与特区(或自治区)! 由衷信仰,“出走”; 身体力行,“走出”。