西方旅游国气温表(℃ / 摄氏)


Blooming Sakura Spring – The philosophy of Japanese and Sakura!

The Japanese believe in the adage: “Life does not end in the winter, but in the spring when it is Sakura season.”
If you have never been to Japan, I am sure you will not be able to understand the Japanese’s attachment towards “Sakura”.

日本东北部旅游展(Northern Japan Fair) 推广当地风景美食文化

(吉隆坡14日讯)日本驻马大使馆与Pavilion购物广场举办“日本东北部旅游展(Northern Japan Fair)”,在14日至15日期间于该广场6楼Tokyo Street公开予大众参观。新任日本驻马来西亚大使中村滋推广日本北部鲜明的文化、艺术和饮食特色,并且呼吁旅人前往探索绮丽风光!