Minion Park:Bello!欢迎来到小小兵乐园
在2017年4月底全新开幕的“Minion Park”(小小兵乐园),是日本环球影城新园区,据说亦是全球最大的Minions主题园区。
在2017年4月底全新开幕的“Minion Park”(小小兵乐园),是日本环球影城新园区,据说亦是全球最大的Minions主题园区。
除了UNIVERSAL COOL JAPAN既定行程外,影城方面还特别为我们安排走访几个有趣的游乐设施,当然还包括了全亚洲唯一——哈利波特的魔法世界!
进击的巨人(Attack on Titan)是一部原著漫画发行累计至今已达4000万本的超人气漫画作品,以其独特、恐怖、绝望的氛围和世界观吸纳了大量的动漫迷,而UNIVERSAL COOL JAPAN则将里头的世界,以另一个方式展现在大家眼前。
UNIVERSAL COOL JAPAN今年将在日本本岛甚至全世界都拥有高人气的《新世纪福音战士》、《进击的巨人》、《生化危机》、《怪物猎人》全都带进馆内,各自透过不同的方式,将其独特的世界观摆在游客眼前。
Muggle fans of Harry Potter who cannot get enough of him and his magical world should head on over to Universal Studios Japan.
Proving there are still millions to be made off that magical little boy with the lighting bolt scar on his forehead, Universal Studios Japan on Tuesday unveiled its long-awaited Wizarding World of Harry Potter to thousands of delighted muggles.
Universal Studios Japan will hold the limited period-only winter event “Universal Wonder Christmas” for 53 days from November 15, 2013 to January 6, 2014.
Enjoy novel ride experience for the limited period of spring 2013 at Universal Studios Japan(USJ), and being filled with unexpected wonder, joy, and throbbing excitement.