Greece – the wonders of nature and architecture
In Greece, even if there is nothing much to do, it is simply very relaxing to just sit and gazed at the sea.
In Greece, even if there is nothing much to do, it is simply very relaxing to just sit and gazed at the sea.
THE Balkans is a group of countries that boasts beautiful landscapes, a rich multi-level history, which imparts many different cultures into each region – from Greek influence to Roman invasions that developed a Byzantine flavour to the Turkish rule and present day developments.
Are you mesmerised by the iconic blue skies, white cumulous and deep blue waters of the Aegean seas?
这一期的钱币之旅,我们就藉着1000德拉克马(Drachma) ,拜访奥林匹克运动会(Olympic)的发祥地,即古奥林匹亚遗址(Olympia Site)。经过百年的岁月洗涤,这个历史遗址的外观已破损不堪,堆砌而成的石柱相继倒下,但其蕴藏的历史文化魅力依然无法挡!